Heritage Aquatic Team

Monthly fees and payment Policy

Dear parents,

Please read the following  for  monthly swim fee,  inactivation and reactivation of swimmer policy.

Monthly payment:

Email invoice will be sent out to registered email on 1st of each month.
Please make FULL payment by check, cash or online payment option.
FULL payment is due on 10th of each month.

Late payment Fee Charge

Payments received after 10th of each month will automatically be charge$25.00 for late payment fee to the account. This includes any balance left.

Please make payment in FULL.

Reactivation Fee

Any swimmer who misses one or more consecutive months will be charged a month reinstatement fee (1 month swim fee) to rejoin the team. We are not Pro-rating monthly swimming fees.


If you have any questions, please contact Coach Tan.

Thank you for understanding and support.